
2020 is the year of the end of the world as we know it. Fires, floods, locusts, worsening conflicts (for example between Iran and the USA), pandemic, elections, the comet (this one has not done any harm to Earth… yet). In our more local reality, millions of people have lost their jobs, and I suspect just as many have switched to working remotely. Big companies are considering the possibility that at least some employees may never have to return to their offices. People in Poland are taking their exams and even graduage remotely (congratulations!). The world we learned to live in is over.

I adhere to the rule (I think I invented) not to say out loud (at least not naively and honestly) “can it get any worse?” It always can. Life will prove it to you.
So another personal blow followed., a portal that has been an important part of 11 years of my life, the site that has been my source of memes, smiles, oftentimes a break from brain-draining work, bringing me moments of breath; an incredible community that let me meet (at least online) so many awesome people, a great commentary on the surrounding reality and probably the fastest-responding meme community I know. All this also ceases to exist.
So all I could do was to quickly hack a script together that allowed me to backup my soup. All posts cataloged in JSON file, loaded with some console bash-fu pictures and … what next?
Also, thank you very much to the soup community for staying together until the end.

So here we are, I once again try to maintain a wordpress. Because there was also the old one, but it’s a shame with all my teenage posts and the contagious overuse of emoticons and various stupid phrases from two decades ago.
What about a soup backup? What should be the new beginning? Its new life?
My idea is that maybe it could be a wordpress plugin to create a soup “blog federation”, reposts would do wordpress pingback, and so on. Why so? Because WordPress can be maintained by each user themselves and nobody will tell them “sorry, it is not profitable for us, so your website ceases to exist”. Not enough penis enlargement ads.